Peppermint Brownie Bites

Melissa Tate
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These are an easy way to serve a cute dessert or add something colorful to a cookiebox. The Candy Cane Kisses are great but use any Kiss you would like.
My 3 favorite things about this recipe:
Bite Sized
Red & white stripes are so cute
You Need
How To
- Prepare brownie mix as directed on box. And preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Prepare 36 count mini muffin tin with non stick spray.
- Drop 1 Tbsp full of batter into each prepared muffin tin.
- Bake 8-10 minutes.
- While brownies are baking, unwrap 36 Hershey's Kisses and set aside.
- Remove from oven and immediately press a kiss into each brownie.
- Let cool and carefully remove from pan.You can use a butter knife to help remove the cookies.