Confit Garlic

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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I use this with absolutely everything. My fridge is never without a jar of these caramelised nuggets with golden oil that sets up every dish for success. Confit garlic is a fantastic secret ingredient that can transform a simple dish into something gourmet. It can be spread on toast, mixed into pastas or mashed potatoes, and used in vinaigrettes, sauces and dips. The remaining garlic oil is great for drizzling on dishes.
You Need
How To
- Place all the garlic cloves in a small to medium pan.
- Add the aromatics and cover with oil. The garlic cloves need to be completely submerged, so the oil quantity is really a guide.
- Cook on the hob on a very low flame for about 30-40 minutes until the garlic cloves are lightly golden, soft and fragrant.
- Transfer cloves and oil to a clean jar and refrigerate once cooled.