Pan Roasted Halibut

Scott Youkilis
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Pan Roasted Halibut, butter braised turnips, carrots, and brussels sprouts, charred sweet potato, root top salsa verde
You Need
4 servings
How To
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place large cast iron skillet in oven to preheat it too.
- Portion fish into 4 filets and place back in fridge. If pre portioned, cool, way to save a step. Pull fish from the fridge 30 min before cooking. Will help even cooking.
- Split sweet potato in half lengthwise. Add canola oil to pan and place potato flat side down. Cook for 35-40 min, flat side down for the entire duration to get a good, dark char on it. Cook until soft in the middle.
- Remove tops from root vegetables and wash well in cold water bath. Change out water 3 times. Dry them in salad spinner, rough cut them, and set aside.
- Split the root vegetables in half and place them in large sauté pan.
- Cut off bottoms of Brussels sprouts and peel off outer layer. Place whole sprouts in sauté pan.
- Pour enough cold water into sauté pan to cover vegetables halfway. Cut 4 oz butter into smaller pieces and add to pan. Season pan of vegetables well with salt and 2 fresh cracks of black pepper. Place pan over medium heat and slowly bring to simmer. Turn down to low and cook slowly while regularly swirling the pan to disperse heat and cook vegetables evenly. Cook for 20-25 min or until the vegetable start to soften. Slow snd low, take your time. Not too crunchy, definitely not brown and mushy. You want bright color, cooked just right.
- Add 3 cups of green tops and cooked garlic cloves to blender. Pour just enough hot braising liquid over the greens to cover them. Blend for 30-40 seconds or until smooth pureee. Pour puree into a bowl set over ice bath to cool quickly. This will ensure the sauce stays green. Season with salt to taste. Warm up slightly when ready to serve. Will turn brown if down too hot too fast. Be Careful!
- Cooking the fish can be accomplished a few ways. Use the technique you are that will deliver the best results for you. Whether grilling, broiling, or pan roasting, the surfaces must be hot before cooking. Pat fish filets dry with paper towels and season well with salt and pepper. I prefer pan roasting so place a large pan over high heat, and add canola oil just as the pan starts smoking. Turn heat to medium and gently add rounded side of filet to pan making sure to not crowd the pan. Sear fish on one side until golden brown and crispy. Add 1 tbsp butter to help release the fish from pan and gently flip fish using a fish spatula. Add 2 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs of fresh thyme, and 2 more tbsp butter. Continue cooking over medium heat, basting the filets as they cook. Squeeze lemon over fish and remove from the pan when it’s firm but still gives slightly to the light touch.
- Plate dishes individually for best presentation. Make sure plates are hot before assembling. If you prefer family style, serve fish over salsa verde and the braised veggies and potato separately