Cherry Pie Filling

Martin Sorge
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This recipe provides a filling for cherry pastries, from hand pies, galettes, to a full-on cherry pie. Pre-cooking the filling ensures a good slice that isn't too firm or too runny.
Montmorency cherries are bright red, with white flesh, and soft texture. They're a and astringent, so not for eating fresh, but are the ultimate cherry for baking and the only real option for cherry pie. When baking with these, they need a decent amount of sugar and then they transform into that bright red, cherry-candy like flavor. Heaven. Montmorency are the most widely-grown tart variety in the United States More than two-thirds of all Montmorency tart cherries are grown in Michigan, and most of those are grown in the pinky finger of the state, which is the area around Traverse City.
You Need
About 1 Kg
How To
- In a medium bowl, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, and salt.
- Add the cherries to a medium (3-quart) saucepan, then add the sugar mixture, stirring to combine.
- Add the lemon juice and kirsch and stir to combine.
- Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes to draw out some of the liquid from the cherries. If using frozen cherries, let this mixture sit for about one hour to thaw slightly.
- Put the pan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly with a heat-proof spatula, until it starts to bubble all the way in the center. Then cook for 2 full minutes to thicken.
- Turn off the heat and transfer the cooked mixture to a bowl.
- Let the mixture come to room temperature, then cover and chill completely in the refrigerator before using.
- Use in your favorite pie, tart, or hand pie recipe!