Sunflower Spelt Loaf

Martin Sorge
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A flavorful, hearty, wholegrain loaf without the need for a sourdough starter. It offers a ton of flavor due to its long fermentation process and is full of seeds, providing energy and nutrients. This bread can be enjoyed thinly sliced with butter, jam, cured meats, or cheese.
You Need
1 loaf
How To
- Combine water, yogurt, and yeast in a stand mixer. Add 300 g spelt flour, stir until no dry bits remain. Cover and let sit for 12-15 hours.
- After 12-15 hours, add honey, 200 g spelt flour, and salt. Fit mixer with dough hook, mix on low for 5 minutes.
- Stop mixer, remove bowl, add half sunflower seeds, press deep into dough. Flip dough, add remaining seeds, press in, return bowl, mix on low for 1 minute.
- Oil or butter a 9-inch by 4-inch loaf pan. Scrape dough into pan, use wet hands to smooth evenly. Cover, let rise 1 1/2 to 3 hours until risen 50-70%.
- Preheat oven to 425°F with rack in middle. Once bread is proofed, reduce oven to 400°F, bake for 48 minutes until amber-gold color.
- Remove from oven, cool on rack for 4 hours. Once cooled, wrap in plastic or store in bread box. Best eaten 24 hours after baking.