Miso Marmite Cheddar Swirls

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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A quick and fancy canapé or snack that combines ready rolled puff pastry, miso marmite butter, cheddar cheese, chives, and optional sesame seeds for an umami-rich delight.
You Need
24 swirls
For the Swirls
- 1 sheet ready rolled all butter puff pastry
- 60g (approximately 2 handfuls) grated cheddar cheese
- 2 tbsp chopped chives
- 1 large egg
- sprinkling of sesame seeds for top (optional)
Miso Marmite Butter
- 100g salted butter (at room temperature)
- 2 tbsp white miso
- 2 tsp marmite (or vegemite)
How To
- Mix all the Miso Marmite Butter ingredients together in a medium sized bowl with a rubber spatula, or in the small bowl of a food processor until smooth.
- Preheat your oven to 190C.
- Roll out your puff pastry sheet with the long side facing you. Keep it on the parchment paper that it comes in as it makes it easier to roll afterwards. Spread an even layer of the miso butter over the pastry, leaving a 1cm border around the outside. Use about 30-50% of the butter.
- Sprinkle over 2 good handfuls of grated cheddar cheese, gently press it down onto the butter, and scatter over the chives.
- Roll up the dough, starting with the edge closest to you and rolling away as tightly as possible. Use the parchment paper to help guide you. Work quickly to prevent the pastry from getting too warm or soft.
- Once rolled into a long sausage-shaped log, place it seam side down on a tray and put it in the fridge for a few minutes while the oven finishes heating up.
- Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
- Break the egg into a bowl and whisk with a pinch of salt ready to wash the pastry.
- Remove the log from the parchment once firm. Slice into 1-2cm thick rounds and place swirl side up on your baking sheets leaving a good gap between them.
- Brush the top and sides lightly with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds, if using.
- Bake for 15-18 minutes until the rounds are golden and crisp. Allow to cool for a few minutes.
- If making in advance, reheat for a few minutes just before serving.