Pot Roast Chicken, my Ultimate Winter Warmer

Building Feasts by Hanna Geller
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This Pot Roast Chicken is perfect for the cold British winter. It's a simple recipe that requires only a few ingredients and minimal effort, resulting in a perfectly succulent and juicy bird with a generous amount of self-made gravy.
You Need
Serves 4-6
How To
- An hour before you want to cook the chicken, remove it from the fridge to bring it to room temperature. Preheat your oven to 180C.
- Dry the chicken completely and season all over with salt and pepper.
- Place a heavy bottomed casserole with a tight fitting lid on a high heat and add the olive oil and then the chicken, breast side down. Brown for 5 minutes on each side until it is golden.
- Remove the chicken from the pan and add the cut onion, garlic and fresh herbs. Toss them in the oil until they are browned and fragrant.
- Keeping the pan on the heat, add the chicken back into the pan breast side down, and pour the wine around the bird. The liquid should come about 1/3 of the way up the chicken. If you are using a larger size pan, top up with a little water or more wine.
- Bring the liquid to the boil, shaking the pan to emulsify everything.
- Pop the lid on and put in the oven for 60-70 minutes. There is no need to baste the chicken while it is cooking, but check it after an hour to see if it is done. There should be a wonderful gravy in the bottom.
- Allow to rest in the pan for 15 minutes before carving.
- Feel free to add vegetables suggested above when you add the onions and garlic.